Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Great White North bugs on our windshield!

The majestic mountains are now behind us.  Sad to see them go as we head southeast… into the prairie land of British Columbia.  My favorite color…green…is spread out all over in front of us, as we cruise down a smoother highway.  It’s amazing how much faster you can get places when you can put that cruise control on.

We reached Dawson Creek, which means the end of the Alaskan Highway.  Actually, it’s the beginning if you’re going north because it is where the highway started construction in 1942.  We have seen the sites in the past; but this site I saw in the back end of a truck…will also stick in my memory bank.  I was snapping his picture and the dog turned around as if to say… “if you’re going to take a picture of me…get my best side.”

Bill washes the front windows of the motor home every time we fill up with Canadian gas, which can be as high as $4.56 a gallon. Within a half hour… the windshield was splattered with a numerous variety of Canadian bugs! The rest of the photos I’m sharing will be seen through the bodies of unfortunate bugs of the Great White North.  
Days ago, when we were in the mountain, we had haze as a result of smoke from fires or sand blowing around or just plain fog. We are now in the plains of Canada and still see a haze on the horizon.  We think it is due to all the dust from the side roads.  As far as we have seen, only the main highways & streets in town are paved.  I guess the sand mine down the road from our house…
could be worse!
After the Alaskan Highway, we took Highway #2 towards Alberta.  There are so many industries along that highway that include oil, forestry, and sand mining.  With that said…there has to be a means of transportation.  There are trucks everywhere moving these products to market.  
So no cruising through here, especially when we came upon this truck transporting something that took up both sides of the highway! We were on a 4 lane highway and they drove it on the other two lanes for awhile so we could get through.  Then there was more gigantic cargo coming from the other way!   How do you even plan to move something like that through a good-sized town?

Shorter day today, only 340 miles…with about 1,500 to go until we see the tall grass of our Tomah home.  We’re camping about 100 miles west of Edmonton, outside the town of Whitecourt.  It’s hot; but we're not complaining because we have full services and our air conditioning is working fine. Oh…and we each have a bag of peanut M&M’s too.  Awww…life is good!
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