Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Heading home

This is what it looks like at 11 0’clock at night in Alaska… when you can’t sleep.  Both Bill and I had a restless night.  Too many hours on the road, over-tired and thinking about heading home.
I guess we didn’t learn our lesson because we ended up driving 541 miles today.  When the road home has to be the same route for the majority of the miles, you tend to move a little faster.  However, the construction and lumber and oil tankers slowed us down somewhat.   That’s alright because it gave us a chance to see the views from the other side of the highway.

The lakes and streams, with the turquoise water, has to be posted again from the other side of the highway too.  No matter what angle the camera was pointed, the photos of these were spectacular. 

I mentioned on the way up that Canada clears back both sides of the roads of trees and bushes.  The newly cut grass that goes on for miles and miles… makes you feel like you’re driving down a parkway.  It’s so beautiful.   The bears were out in numbers today… grazing on the, green sprouts of spring grass along the highway.  They were too interested in filling their empty, winter bellies to notice some tourists gawking at them.  As we traveled on, we saw other wildlife enjoying the sweet grasses along the highway too.

Just heard on the news that Homer, AK had an 5.8 earthquake on the 27th., yesterday!   The epicenter was 60 miles away, so I guess it wasn’t too noticeable.  Besides, it was at 2:52 in the morning.  We were just there on the 22nd!  We were in a 6.0 earthquake years ago while vacationing in Yellowstone.  That was a scary experience.  I’m not sure that camping on a little peninsula of land in Homer would have been the safest place to be… during an earthquake.  
    There are two reasons why we left for Alaska in early May.  Both pictures explain both reasons, I think.  After Memorial Day…the stream of camping vehicles start heading north and... the bugs aren’t far behind!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you missed the earthquake. 5.8 is a pretty decent size one! Safe travels as you head back home!

