Monday, July 18, 2011

Everyday is a Ranger Ride Day Ga Ga and Grandpa

Mommy and Daddy,

The day started out fine with the usual morning routine.  Then Ga Ga made Evan oatmeal; but something was not the same.  Evan thinks it was too thick and everytime Evan tried to scoop it up... the bowl would move.  Evan didn't like that!  Ga Ga could see what was going on and put more milk in the oatmeal.  Evan was in a mood by then and Mommy and Daddy you know it's all downhill from there sometimes.  Nothing made Evan happy.  Ga Ga took me out of my highchair and let me cry on the floor.  Grandpa picked me up and finally got me to smile; but I got crabby again for some reason.  Ga Ga took me in the sunroom and rocked Evan.  Evan fell asleep for about an hour and so did Ga Ga.  Ga Ga and Evan woke up and both Ga Ga and Evan were in a very good mood... just smiling away.

Grandpa and Evan got the mail today and then went for a long Ranger Ride.  Later on Ga Ga told Grandpa that she was going to take Evan for another ride.  Grandpa told Ga Ga that when he was cutting the grass up on the bluff he found a whole bunch of ripe raspberries.  Grandpa told Ga Ga where they were so they could pick them.  Ga Ga and Evan  took the long way around to the raspberry patch and by the time Ga Ga and Evan got there Grandpa was already there with the other Ranger picking raspberries.  Ga Ga was laughing and Evan said...silly Grandpa.  Ga Ga , Grandpa and Evan were eating raspberries as the mosquitoes were eating Ga Ga, Grandpa, and Evan.  Ga Ga said we had to drive the Ranger faster so the mosquitoes couldn't catch us.  Check out the sunglasses on Evan's head.  Ga Ga had hers on so Evan wanted his on too.  Don't I look cool Mommy and Daddy?

It was nice talking to you today Daddy.  Evan had a big smile when Evan heard Daddy's voice.  Ga Ga asks me everyday who is coming on Friday.  Evan can now tell Ga Ga everyone's name.  Ga Ga has the crib in the other bedroom for Colby.  Ga Ga told Evan to look in the crib to see if Colby was in there yet.  Silly Ga Ga had a picture of Colby in the crib.  Evan laughed.

 Are you laughing Mommy and Daddy?  Evan got in the crib and pretended to play with Colby.  Good thing Ga Ga didn't put Evan in this smaller crib because Evan put his leg up on the edge and almost climbed out all by myself.  Ga Ga couldn't believe I could lift my leg so high.  Ga Ga...never underestimate a 22 month
old :-)  Everyday Ga Ga and Grandpa have a new surprise from Evan.  Today for supper Evan wanted a bite of Ga Ga's steak.  Ga Ga didn't think Evan liked steak and Evan ended up eating about 10 small pieces.  Evan has a different name for steak though...Evan calls it sausage. 

Ga Ga introduced Evan to a new movie called the "Bee Movie.".  Evan likes it a lot; but nothing will top Grandpa's movie "Up."   Mommy and Daddy...Evan think's you will like it too.  Aunt Andrea told Ga Ga about the movie "Wall E" and how good it is.  Evan, Mommy and Daddy will have to have a movie night so we can watch all of these movies.  Ga Ga and Grandpa like watching all of them with Evan.   It's bath time and then bed time for Evan.  Evan loves Mommy and Daddy (and Ga Ga and Grandpa)    

1 comment:

  1. Hello my little man! I hope you woke up in a better mood this morning and not crabby for GaGa and Grandpa. I'm so jealous that you got to talk to daddy yesterday! Our internet keeps going out at home, so I can't even pick a time to try and Skype with you and while I'm at work, well, it's harder. I'm going to try and call today though (in case GaGa is reading this). I miss you and love you and can't wait for you to show me all around GaGa and Grandpas. Maybe you can take Daddy and I for a ride in the Ranger and show us the rasberries!
    Love you!

