Saturday, July 16, 2011

It Was a Pizza Perfect Day!

Mommy and Daddy,

Yummmmmm pancakes this morning.  Ga Ga made them and Grandpa went to the dump.  Evan calls Pa Pa...Grandpa now.  It use to be hard to say the word Grandpa; but now it is easy for Evan to say it and a lot of other words Evan couldn't say before.  Evan can say Grandma; but Evan likes saying Ga Ga and Evan thinks Grandma likes that name too because she always smiles when Evan says it. 

It was nice Skyping with you this morning Mommy and Daddy.  Evan could hear you; but Evan couldn't see you...Evan could only see Grandpa and Evan.  So Evan waved at Evan and Evan waved back ;-)  Ga Ga and Grandpa are nice; but Evan misses Mommy and Daddy.  There is no one that can rough-house like Daddy and no one that can Rock-a-bye Evan like Mommy.  

Grandpa read me a book this morning about a Grandpa making pizza.  Evan thought Grandpa only knew how to drive the Ranger; but Grandpa is good at reading books too.  Ga Ga has always been good about reading books to Evan; but she knows how to drive the Ranger too.  That's good because Evan gets lots of books read to him and lots of rides in the Ranger too.  

Evan would like ride in both Rangers Grandpa. 
Come on Grandpa.

 Ga Ga showed Evan how to turn on the tractor lights. 
Ga Ga has lots of surprises at her house.
 Ga Ga showed Evan how to run in the rain. 
It was only sprinkling so Ga Ga and Evan didn't get very wet. 
        The rain made a waterfall.  Evan stuck his shoe under and it made Evan's shoe all wet!
Grandpa's sister drives a big truck Mommy and Daddy.  Her name is Cathy and  she had a doggie in her big truck, he was barking at Ga Ga, Grandpa and Evan.  Grandpa said Daddy rode in Cathy's truck to California when he was a teenager.  Maybe someday Evan will ride in a big truck.
Ga Ga, Grandpa, Cathy, and Evan went to the Ground Round to eat. The waitress brought Ga Ga and Cathy a plate that was making a lot of noise.  Ga Ga said it was a fajita.  Grandpa had a big, big meatball.  Grandpa said it was a hamburger.  Evan had "PIZZA!"  Evan ate one big piece of pizza with some milk.  Ga Ga and Grandpa said that Evan was a very good boy at the restaurant.  Evan was very tired and couldn't wait to snuggle with Scout and Evan's two favorite blankies.  Nightie-Night Mommy and Daddy...
Evan loves you! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Evan! I love that you talk about yourself in the third person. We miss and love you too and are so happy that you're enjoying your time with GaGa and Grandpa (we knew you would). Hope you're being a good boy, no hit, not nice. Love you!!!

