Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 2, All New Roads Today

We’re on all new roads today that we have never traveled on before.  The last time we came back from Alaska we went south from Grand Prairie and went through Jasper and Banff and all those beautiful mountains.  This time we going east from Grand Prairie and the landscape is mostly prairie. 
  Thought we would see lots of wildlife like we did yesterday when we got up early.  Saw a few beavers, tons of crows, 2 bison behind a fence, farm animals, and we smelled a skunk.  We are getting into more populated areas as we travel east…must be the reason.
We saw these landslides quite often along the highway.  You usually don’t think of the ground sliding when it is covered with grass.  You just assume that the roots are strong enough 
to hold the ground in place.
This was a neat railroad bridge we came across that was all made out of wood.  You don’t see these very often anymore.
Here’s a close-up.  Looks like the structure work of the Eagle roller coaster at Great America.
I had to take a picture of this sign in Edmonton, Alberta. 
You do remember Wayne Gretzky?
Wisconsin and Minnesota looks similar to Saskatchewan
…minus the black, liquid gold. 
 Oil and wheat share the same fields.
Along with granaries…
…and refineries.
Trains are kept busy hauling all of this.

Loooonnnnnng trains!
Then we saw this house coming down the highway.  We were glad it was on the other side because no one could get past the house.  I bet those people weren’t happy.
Lots of big equipment use these roads. 
You just around them…if you can. 
 Canada sure has different signs than we do in the US.  This one is kind of a funny way to say….”move over.”  There was another information sign we saw that read…”Important Intersection.”  Not sure why that particular intersection was important; but I would think all intersections would be important.
Out of nowhere, the sky turned dark and a thunderstorm appeared.  Didn’t like those clouds that were coming down that looked like tornadoes forming.  The temperature went from 82 to 58 degrees in a matter of minutes.  It just rained hard and it was over, the sun came out and the temps went back up.
We were glad it rained hard because…
It cleaned most of the bugs off the motorhome.
I still can’t pass up those old barns and building without snapping a memory.  And that’s what they all will be shortly…just someone’s memories.  I don’t know who lived there or what their names were.  It doesn’t matter because in my mind 
I have my own story going on.

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