Thursday, May 9, 2019

My blood pressure went up & down with the elevation!

No raindrops tapping on the top of our motor home this morning.  However, that white, fluffy stuff was falling and collecting on the grass already.  Our destination today was to climb the Big Horn Mountains, on our way to Cody, Wyoming. The summit is close to 10,000 ft. and doing that on snow-covered roads was not on the top of my list today. Bill did a great job driving on the snowy roads and I did a good job of suffering in silence,
 with my eyes closed!

Surprisingly, as we went higher in elevation, the weather got better and so did the roads.  As we traveled the four hours it took us to get to Cody, the weather changed about four times...snow, rain, fog, and "sunshine!" Mountain weather is worse than Wisconsin weather, changing from minute to minute. 

Rain & Snow

Fog and then sunshine finally!

Besides the weather changing quickly in Wyoming, ......scenery changes just as fast... foothills, mountains, rolling hills, river basins, prairies, high plains, deserts, farmlands. 

We are camping in Cody, Wyoming tonight. The sun is out and hopefully continues as we travel north to Montana tomorrow. There has been some snow in parts of Yellowstone and just have to wait until morning to check the road conditions. The weather is suppose to start acting like spring this weekend.  We heard it's supposed to be in the 60's...
maybe even the 70's!
          Hope it is still warm by the time
              we reach Alaska!            

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