Tuesday, May 14, 2019

What the hell time is it?

Central Time... to Mountain Time... to Pacific Time... and by the weekend...Alaskan Time! It gets confusing when you have so many time changes in such a short time.  I feel like it's time to go to bed and it's still early and it's still light out!  Glad we have dark shades 
in our bedroom. 
   Is the sun ever going to go down?
 We started traveling a little earlier this morning, in hopes of seeing some wildlife. A few deer, a small caribou, some roadkill, and this sign.  That's about it.  
Maybe someone was on the wrong time zone!

We did go through some mountain driving; Gradually, those snow covered peaks melted away on the horizon. 

 Other things started to draw our attention. Like...where is the road?

Just wait a minute...we'll finish it.

Hard to see; but both sides of this narrow, two-way road has about a
 two-foot drop on both sides!
Who uses an extension cord this long? 
A downtrend in coal mining in Alberta over the last several years appears to be changing. 
Coal mining has increased over the last few years.  Alberta has eight operating coal mines, possibly, new ones being created.
Some may say progress...
others would strongly disagree. 
 Largest Beaver in the world! It is 18' long x 10' wide x 10' high .  This 3,000 pound sculpture and log was hauled by truck from Calgary to celebrate the town of 
Beaverlodge's 75 years of incorporation. 
We are now in British Columbia.  It is the westernmost province of Canada. That means we are kind of close to "ALASKA!"

The "0 mile marker" begins in Dawson Creek and ends in Delta Junction, 1,390 miles away.  We're at the 62 mile marker on the Alaskan Highway in Fort St. John, BC.

Nice, quiet campground with WiFi so I can catch up on these blogs.  If you enjoy reading them, I am happy and welcome your comments.  All the daily blogs go into a book that Blogspot will publish, as a journal of our trip to Alaska.  If I wait until we get home to write down what we did and where we went, I'm afraid I would have a lot of blank pages.😊 

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