Yes...we're in Wasilla, Alaska...the home of the infamous Sarah Palin! Guess she's out of town according to the news...she's with her biker buddies in Washington D.C. She also bought a home in Scottsdale, Arizona recently. won't be able to see Russia from Arizona!
Ate at a little local cafe in Wasilla. Since Sarah was out of town and Bristol moved to California and the rest of the family managed to stay out of the spotlight...we don't care about them....that leaves Levi! I bet some of those young waitresses in this cafe could tell us some stories about Levi. Guess we're not all that interested, so we paid the bill and moved on to more interesting things like............... going to the Wasilla Walmart.
Walmart is Walmart wherever you go in the states....everyone wants to check out at the same time and they only have 4 checkouts open! I think everyone in Wasilla decided to spend Memorial Day there. The weather is in the 70's again, sunny and everyone was buying beautiful flowers and lawn care supplies. I go again with my flower flashbacks!'s a great idea for a business! Instead of going out and buying flowers and plants...this bus would come to your house. Great idea! Do you think they would plant them for you too? :-)
Am I thinking too far outside the flower box?
Wildlife Update
1 Bug at the campground
Specie unknown and wish not to find out!
People-watching Update
A father, 3 teenagers, and 3 dogs live in this trailer. I meant living...not camping in this small trailer. People are having tough economic times everywhere. It's sad to see things like this happening in our country, especially to young children. I had a nice talk with the woman who owns this campground and she said that many of the campers stay here the whole winter. She said it rarely gets
below -20. Burrrrrrr!
With all that is going on in our world...
we still have so much to be thankful for.