Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Turned Out...Our Penny Hadn't Lost It Power........ Totally! (Days 15-18)

That lucky penny I found and kept to give us some luck since our ferry was cancelled must have been stepped on too much and lost its power!    I guess our lucky penny hadn't lost all of it power because we did get put on another ferry... even though there was an 8 hour delay and we did have a room... even though it didn't have a window.  Little did we know until later that we were "very lucky" because most of the 250 people aboard did not have rooms.  They had to find a space anywhere on the ferry to stake out their little area and sleep the nights they were aboard.  So...we were happy to be able to go to our little "stateroom" and  be rocked to sleep by the gentle rolling of the waves.
Here is the "Taku" that we waited... and... waited... and waited for.
We didn't do any fishing; but we did a lot of Crabbing...
if you know what I mean!

The vehicles are parked so close together that we could only get out of the driver side door.
Our room, minus window.  However...we did have a private bathroom.  The person that pees the most during the the bottom bunk....won't tell you who that was :-)
This is how the other 200 people slept!  Whatever space you could find, you staked it out and it was yours until you got off the ferry.  On deck, many pitched tents for the duration of the trip. This area reminded me of the steerage section of the Titanic :-(  Some of these travelers had chosen to do this; but many of these people had to make due with these means or they would have to delay their trips.  We didn't complain after we met people that told us their stories of having to find a place to sleep for their nights aboard.  They made the best of an uncomfortable situation and because of it we met so many nice people that shared their thoughts with us.  After awhile... things started becoming humorous and we all had a lot of laughs.  The crew did its best; but it will be a trip that many will not forget for a long time.  
Finally... on our way to Haines, Alaska...with stops along the way.
I'm happy... because I have my own room and bathroom and even my own bed (not telling you which bunk!)
The scenery was absolutely beautiful and breath-taking!  We saw lots of whales and porpoises.  We stopped in some towns along the way that we could get off and explore.  Some of these towns are only accessible by boat or roads! (Juneau, the capital is one of them)  Can't imagine living in a place where you can't drive you car to another town.
  A great way to end the day!

This is the view out the front window of our motor home in Haines.  Even saw whales from our campsite!  In the winter they have a festival called "Heli-skiers."  Helicopters drop off skiers on the top of the mountain so they can ski down.  Yikes!
Haines is very small town that has some neat tourist shops; but not too commercial. They hope to stay small and quaint.   Another festival they have is the "Eagle Festival."  Thousands and thousands of eagles come in the fall to this area.   The people are so friendly and they seem to love it here!
Here's another way to end a great day :-)  Tasted pretty good.  We got this from some friends we met on the ferry that happened to stay at the same campground as us in Haines.  A farewell drink to some nice people we have met along the way. 


  1. Wow! What a trip! Overall, now that you're there safely and you survived all of the delays, it's quite a good vacation story! Can't have a vacation without SOMETHING going wrong, right? Lol. It looks beautiful!

  2. Wow! And to think, your trip has only just begun! Enjoy the sites, as I enjoy the blog and pics!

  3. I'm so glad you are back. And I am so glad you had a cabin. The weather looked beautiful as well as the scenery. Where are the pictures of the whales? I just watched the Disney movie "Oceans" with Sam for the 15th. time today. And the whales are my favorite. Looking forward to your future blogs.

