Saturday, May 21, 2011

OKAY TODAY IS.................................. "REALLY" THE DAY! (Day 15)

We sure are lucky,  we heard other horror stories of campers that were to leave on the same ferry as us.  The motor home behind us cannot get on a ferry for 3 weeks!  They are moving back to an island off the coast of the Alaskan mainland, so they have no choice but to take a ferry.  Now.....we are "real" happy to be boarding a ferry today and our closet/cabin is starting to look pretty good at this point.  Glad we made our reservations last January because that helped us to get the accommodations on the other ferry faster.

Oh......below is a picture of a penny I saw in a crack in the parking lot at Walmart yesterday.  At first, I just walked over it thinking...I have to bend over and dig out the dirty penny out of the crack.  Then from somewhere I heard the voice of my mother saying.............."S-u-s-a-n....find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll have good luck!"  My thoughts were..."oh yes...I don't think I should pass up the chance of some good luck after what happened yesterday with the ferry breaking down and of course the thought of that nut saying that today is the day the world will end at 6 P.M.!"  So I quickly picked up that lucky penny and you can bet that I will keep that penny in my purse the rest of this trip  :-)  maybe longer!
 The next time we touch land will be Tuesday in Haines, Alaska.
North to Alaska finally!

We would love to hear from any of our blogger friends and family.  If you a comment below any of the daily blogs.  If you have a question, I will get back to you when we have the internet.  A little bit of home is a nice thing to have when you're away from home. to the ferry and we're on our way. :-)


  1. I think it was a good idea to bend over and pick up the penny. Mom's been in my thoughts a lot lately, too. Nicole has been telling Sam about Mom & her love for baseball because he is such a baseball fan. And about 2 days later he said to her that he wishes her grandma wasn't in heaven yet so he could talk baseball with her. He is growing up so fast. Big party tomorrow, he turns 5, where did that time go.
    I will be thinking of youse guys on Tuesday when you touch land again, we will be at lunch with Martha, Hank & their grandson Robbie. They are down here for 2 weeks. I will give them the run down on your blogs.
    Ride those waves and enjoy the ride.......

  2. My days seem uneventful not having your blog to look forward to for the last few days. I can't wait until tomorrow or Wed. when you get back on line. I sent an email to Herb & Luanne, telling them how much I enjoy reading your blog & that they should follow your adventure, too : )
    Well, you must have your sea legs by now and enjoying the whales. Looking forward to the update.

  3. What an adventure! and you guys haven't killed each other...yet! Bummer that our audio didn't work on skype the other day. I've got to check out our laptop, maybe the internal microphone isn't working. I'm not sure. So glad we got to see before your ferry and you got to see Evan. Tonight is Evan's daycare recital (his class is playing freeze dance on stage). I hope he cooperates and doesn't freak out. We'll video tape so you can see it when you're back.
    love you!

  4. Matt told me last night that I better let you know that your house didn't blow away. We had some tornadoes around here this weekend, but they hit north of Tomah, so all is okay. Irv cut down the pine trees in his front yard so it looks like a tornado may have gone through, but don't worry, everything still looks the same at your place. All the plants are blooming, I should take pictures to send to you. I hope you are enjoying your time away. We miss hearing Bill going to get the paper in the morning. Have fun!! Heather and Matt

