Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It Was A Ferry Fun Day! (Day 12)

Hey...we're from the Midwest, what do we know about the tide times!  We just assume that if you post a departure schedule for your would know if there is going to be a problem with the tide being out!  It was late morning before the tide came in and the ferry could make its trips again across the bay.  We drove our motor home on and were lucky to be the first one in the row.  We were right in front and it looked like we could drive right off the boat into the water.  We didn't even have to get out of the motor home because we had the best seat on the boat!  It was beautiful and only took us about a 45 minutes instead of the 5-6 hours to drive around the bay and through Seattle.  Had we done that route, the title of my blog may have been "Swearing in Seattle!"  Instead... it was a relaxing ride on a ferry named Chetzemoka, named after the chief of the  Klallma Indians that inhabited this peninsula in 1851 when the first
settlers visited this area.
That gave us some more time to enjoy the sites of this quaint,
seaside village by the ocean.
Boats waiting to show anyone, Washington's scenic beauty and ocean wildlife. (whale-watching at the top)
Just standing by the dock...
the otter  put on his own little show and it was "Free:-)"
From a distance...this ferry doesn't look like it would hold 64 vehicles until you drive onto it.  Tight fit!
Do they really think we believe that those little wooden blocks under the front tires and that mesh net would keep this motor home on this ferry if the brakes failed?  Even before the ferry started moving, I told Bill my escape plan in case this motor home started rolling into the water. One should always be prepared :-)
 Just some beautiful and interesting sites before we called it a day.
 Question of the day for picture below..."Why did Sue cover her head when she saw this seagull?"

1. She had a pet bird that always pecked her on the head.
2. One should always shield one's head with a bird overhead.
3. She had flashbacks of the movie "The Birds."

Number 3 is the correct answer. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I found the spot where I could comment. It only took me 12 days of your vacation to figure it out. Isn't Bellingham beautiful.....we took the ferry out of Bellingham to Orca Island & it looked just like the day you are having, the sun shinning & the water like glass. I think you should make a book, too. You write so well, I know I can't wait to sit down each day to read your blog. It is like I am on vacation too only I don't have to pay the gas bill : ) That doesn't matter anyway, look what you are experiencing, that has to feel great. Love the blogs.....keep them coming.
    Love Helen

